‘Towards Field Station’ Podcasts

A set of three podcasts exploring art and ecology in Cornwall....

Equipped with binaural microphones and a voice mic, artist, pedestrian and writer Bram Thomas Arnold has recorded a series of walks taken during lockdown. Using a mixture of found sound, field recordings, ambient music, archive footage and spoken word, these recordings explore the art and ecology of Cornish landscapes and act as a structural framework to explore research into his current project Transecting the Lizard: Field Station. This aims to be a mobile field laboratory developing a new space for transdisciplinary research between and amongst the arts and sciences live in the field. A mobile field vehicle equipped with the necessary equipment to undertake baseline eco-logical surveys using both arts and scientific modes of thinking, over time blending and creating new forms of understanding that blur the disciplinary lines between ecology, art and place.

Image credit: Bram Thomas Arnold


Bram Thomas Arnold


University of Exeter, The Writers’ Block, Literature Works, Cornubian Arts and Science Trust (CAST), Kernow Education Arts Arts and Culture (University of Exeter), Environment and Sustainability Institute (University of Exeter)